Sunday, May 2, 2010

Please don't stop Saturday delivery

The Post Office is trying to save money and one of the options they favor is to discontinue household delivery of mail on Saturdays.  I'm not against this on practical grounds.  It makes a lot of sense money-wise, but what about my little red envelopes?  I have my Netflix mailings down to an art.  If I send one back on Thursday, I'll get another on Saturday.  Oh, woe is me, if they stop Saturday delivery, I'll have to watch "regular" television.  Do you have any idea how long it has been since I relied on regular TV to supply my viewing needs?  Ages, if you must know.  Luckily, Netflix now offers a few options.  I can watch instantly on my computer, which is now a much better option than a year ago.  They've added a lot of movies and TV shows to the instant choices, so I can always find something.  There is also a watch from your TV option, but I haven't looked into that one yet.
So, all of you can breath a sigh of relief; crisis averted and the PO can do what it needs to do after all.


  1. Haha! My first thought when I heard they might stop Saturday mail was - "Oh no! My Netflix schedule is going to get messed up!"

    I have considered saving up for one of the Roku boxes so I can use the watch instantly on my tv.

  2. The instantly to your TV thing works through your internet as well. They send you a disk for either your WII, or Playstation 3, or other internet ready device.
