Thursday, April 29, 2010

10 in 2010

I follow a few friends' blogs and I liked Karen's list of goals. So I'm making my own list and posting it here. Making my goals public will help keep me focused and a little more honest.  These are in no particular order.
  1. Get a job more in line with my degrees and training - so if anyone knows of anything in the Piedmont area for a chemist/lab tech please let me know.
  2. Learn to knit continental - I started knitting in the spring of 2008 and I’ve really enjoyed it. In an effort to keep me interested and challenged, I want to learn to knit continental by the end of the year. It will make doing ribbing easier, if the rumors are true, and it will allow me to switch between hands so neither gets overworked.
  3. Lose weight and exercise more - I quit smoking in 2009 (yea me!). Now this was a big deal for me, so I’m thrilled that I’ve made it a year with only a few slips. But this year I need to deal with the aftereffects of this achievement, and that means I must lose some weight. At first, I would have bet money that I wasn’t eating more than before I quit, but after stepping on the scales I know this isn’t true. I won’t embarrass myself by posting how much I gained; I’ll just commit to losing 25 pounds by August and 50 pounds by December. I also need to exercise more, so I want to commit to at least 3 hours a week. At this point I don't care what the exercise is, just that I get off my duff and
  4. Donate to Goodwill at least once a week.
  5. Take my lunch & breakfast to work at least 3 days a week - This should help me save over $20 a week, and I have plenty of other places to spend that money.
  6. Knit 6 pairs of socks - I love my hand knit socks, but I’ve slowed down so much that I think I need a goal. I want to finish 6 pairs of socks this year. That seems doable since I can usually knit a pair in 2-3 weeks
  7. Go 30 days without complaining - I watch the program “Sunday Morning” on, yes you guessed it, Sunday mornings on CBS. A while back I watched a segment about a church that was challenging it’s members to go for 30 days without complaining. I’m a complainer so this seems like an insurmountable task. I tried it a couple of times right after seeing the story and, oh my, did I fail miserably. But I believe this is a challenge worth attempting, and the results should be noteworthy. I may end up breaking it up and being happy in 2010 with 30 individual days versus 30 straight days.
  8. Donate blood 3 times (more if possible)
  9. Go back to following the Fly Lady and her cleaning schedule/plans.
  10. Sort through all of my unread books until they will all fit on one bookshelf.
I'll try and post updates to these goals and hopefully have some success stories and not just failures. Spring, rather than January, is such a time of hopes for me that I'm glad to make this list now.

Skype Hunt

Been debating about my topic for this week's entry and then "The Great Skype Extravaganza" occurred. When I started playing Evony, I downloaded Skype and started using it to talk to some of my friends from the game. It's easy to use and cheap (read that as FREE) plus you can do video calls which is great with families/friends that are out of the area. When my nephew and then my niece each got computers, I set it up for both of them. They could talk to me or to each other if they wanted to. I figured Booger would love to talk to Miss Thang and her brothers using the video option. Then it came up that Adam had to go out of town for training. After the kids flipped out and I mean they flipped out, Kristie decided sending the laptop with Adam so he could use Skype seemed like a really good idea. In case you don't recognize it, this is where the fun begins. Kristie has barely used Skype and Adam has never used it, so this means the 8 year old, Miss Thang, is the professional. Started off with a call Sunday morning from Emma, who if you've never talked to her on the phone sounds a lot like her mother at that age. This little squeaky girl's voice asks, "Do you remember Mommy's username and password for Skype?". After much trial and error, it turns out that Skype couldn't care less if your username/password combination are correct, if you aren't connected to the internet. Fast forward to the computer is all setup for Adam, but he now has to be trained on using Skype. He gets the crash course from both Miss Thang and I and sent on his merry way, poor guy. I heard through the grapevine that there was a bit of confusion when he first started it, but he's talked to the kids every night while he was gone, so he's done well. Now, the kids have had meltdowns every time they talked to him, but that's a different story.
All of this got me thinking about technology. I'm positive that I wouldn't have been able to spell computer at Miss Thang's age. A few weeks ago, Saint A couldn't get anyone to load his game online so he and Wowee walked me through it for the game they play. They're 5 and can't read. I remember Booger's first Gameboy and showing him how to use it and now he has to show me how to use his new one. I remember programming Mom's VCR and setting Dad's radio stations when I was young, so are you considered old when the kids have to handle the technology for you?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My 5 Favorites

I know everyone says they love their kids or their grand-kids or, in my case, their nieces and nephews the same. But it just isn't so, or at least not in my case. I mean how could any child be more my favorite then my very first nephew, Booger? It just isn't possible. I was there when Frankye finally told my mother on the phone, no less, that she was pregnant. And I was there for "the pressure" comments and finally his surprising arrival, since he was "supposed" to be a girl. I've laughed and played with him. I watched "Barney" until I was ready to cause the extinction of the last living dinosaur. I remember when I first told him that he couldn't do something until he was double digit aged and when he reached 10 I was amazed that it happened so quickly. He was my first and I discovered how much I could love someone. He'll be 12 this year and he continues to astound me with how smart and funny he is. So, of course, he is definitely my favorite.

Then came Miss Thang, and Booger became my favorite nephew. She was the miracle baby and my "L'il bit". She lived so close that I got to see her all of the time. She was the first one I took on our daily summer walks, when she could barely walk. It was me pushing a stroller and her giggling and chattering. She is such a girl, which is a rarity in our tomboy family of girls. She likes nothing better than pink and frilly and would change clothes 5 times a day if she was allowed. On top of that, she has her mother's sense of humor, so she can be so much fun to be around. I don't always understand her, but I'm her biggest fan. So, of course, she is definitely my favorite.

I missed seeing MissThang 's birth, but I was lucky enough to be in the room for Esay. He had the cord wrapped around his neck, so he was a little blue when he was born. It scared me to death, but the doctor acted pretty nonchalant about it. Seeing Esay today, I don't think it stunted him. It broke my heart when he went to the hospital when he was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. I'll forever have the movie in my head of him laying on the gurney being held down while the nurses and doctors poked and prodded him. I know in my head that it was for his own good, but my heart couldn't care less about such practical things. He does things the way he wants to and makes no apologies. Seeing him struggle in school with some less than stellar teachers has ticked me off, but watching him manage to still excel has been great. He has always had such a beautiful smile and is one of the sweetest people I know. Even when he was really little, he would get two of anything so he could give one to Miss Thang. So, of course, he is definitely my favorite.

The twins were a surprise to everyone and not the least of which to their parents.  Saint A is the elder of the two and quite the entertainer. He seems to like nothing better than putting on a show with his funny faces and general silliness. When you see how little he is next to his twin, you'd think he would be weaker or get bullied, but it isn't so. He will share but he won't tolerate being pushed around. He is usually the first one to jump in and try something new. I love his adventurous spirit and his willingness to give hugs and kisses. He's my "front man" when we play badminton and he is hysterical to watch. I can always count on Saint A for love and a smile. So, of course, he is definitely my favorite.

Last, but definitely not least, there's Wowee, called that by Saint A for the first couple of years. If ever a child was born with attitude, it was Wowee. He has always been the strong silent type. I think he didn't crawl or walk when Saint A did because he just wasn't convinced it was worth the effort until he saw the advantages for brother. He is more reserved and standoffish from people. When you get a hug or kiss from Wowee you've really gotten a prize, because he cannot be forced to share them. But his giggles are like fairy dust; they make you happy, no matter your mood. I found a couple of David Shannon books a few years ago that had pictures drawn by Shannon. There were a huge hit for the twins, but especially for Wowee. We read them so much that he had them memorized. When his teacher at school tried to read them to the class she had to let Wowee do it because he was saying the words before she could. He loves being read to and so, of course, he is definitely my favorite.

Well, I seem to have a dilemma, but something my oldest nephew told me one time means that I don't have to worry. When Esay was on the way, I asked Booger what I was going to do since I was about to have nephew #2 and I already had a favorite nephew. He looked at me like I was crazy and said "You can have more than 1 favorite, you know". Out of the mouths of babes.