Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm so Mad I can't see straight

I was just flipping through msnbc and found this article "Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees".  Of course, I had to check it out, because there had to be more to this with that teaser title.  This is unbelievable.  These boys were wearing American flag bandannas and t-shirts with the flag on them and were told to remove them.  If they went back to class wearing them, it would be considered rebellious and they would be expelled.  Now these weren't lewd or offensive items, but oh wait, it was the 5th of May, which is Cinco de Mayo, the day of Mexican Independence.  Well, duh, we can't wear the American flag, since it is the Mexican Independence day.  Wait, we don't live in Mexico, so what possible reason would we care that it is their day of Independence.  i feel sure that if I go to Mexico on the 4th of July, there won't be a flipping soul there that worries about me and my holiday.  And just so we're clear, someone in the article states that it is "Mexican Heritage Day", no it isn't, it is the independence day for Mexico.  But if you in your own way want to celebrate your heritage, have at it, but MY heritage is AMERICAN. As for an apology, have they lost their minds?  What exactly do these boys have to apologize for?
I think it is way past time that we as citizens put a stop to this ridiculousness.  What happened to being ruled by the majority?  What happened to us having a spine?  I'm sick and tired of every group (citizens or not) being able to force everyone else to their way of thinking.  We, as a nation, have got to get off our apathetic asses and show our outrage at this constant pandering.

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